About Us
Premier Designs

Born in Villa Rica GA, I grew up in a small town. I grew up on welfare and blossomed into a powerhouse by breaking many generational cycles. I attended the Art Institute of Atlanta GA for Bachelor’s Graphic Design. Attended Purdue University for Master’s Human Services. I help people with ideas launch their passions. I help business owners who are already started scale their dreams! I’ve helped people all over the world! I’m passionate about breaking generational cycles & building generational wealth. I am married and have 3 amazing sons & 3 beautiful daughters! I have helped 200+ individuals start their business. I assist with business establishment services, graphics & websites. Marketing is strategically letting people know what you do!
I started #EnglandGraphix when I was pregnant and couldn’t work due to swelling of my feet (the job I had at the time was at a plant and I needed to stand all day) so I quit without a plan (but God ALWAYS has a plan) I started with just a computer, a program, and my phone No Internet ( I would transfer everything through my phone) That was 16 years ago I named my business after my first son “England” (kids and Adversity give you the best motivation ) Now I can give my kids a business This business has sustained me when I was jobless many times.
I also have a nonprofit where I provide empowerment & adult life skills classes! www.StarrResources.org
You Can Do WHATEVER You put Your MIND To